Tuesday, November 27, 2018

7th Grade Science Plans for November 26-30, 2018


No, I did not fall off of the face of the Earth--it's just with grading 138 Science Notebooks, then a week of conferences, followed by a short holiday week, I wasn't able to do my weekly updates.  Sorry about that.  Let's hope it doesn't happen again.  Now here is what we will be doing this week:

MONDAY--We will cover articles on layers of the Earth and epicenters & focus orally in class.  So NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY-- We will introduce Chapter #4 with a reading ("Will It Happen Again?"), will work on Investigation 4.1 by researching earthquake locations using maps, latitude, longitude, and Chromebooks.  This assignment will be DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD THURSDAY, so NO HOMEWORK.

FRIDAY--We will celebrate the end of the first quarter with our auction, so NO HOMEWORK.

For those of you I was able to conference with, the pleasure was all mine.  After all of my years in teaching, I have learned great kids come great parents.  Thank you for being there--conference week is my third favorite week of the school year.  (Sorry!  Bus Cispus is always #1 and Student Led Conference Week is #2.)

As always, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  The best email address to reach me is humblem@tenino.k12.wa.us and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

6th Grade Science Plans for November 26-30, 2018


No, I did not fall off of the face of the Earth--it's just with grading 138 Science Notebooks, then a week of conferences, followed by a short holiday week, I wasn't able to do my weekly updates.  Sorry about that.  Let's hope it doesn't happen again.  Now here is what we will be doing this week:

MONDAY--We will cover information in an article called "Why Does the Wind Blow?" and will start on taking Cornell Notes on it.  So NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--We will take Cornell Notes on an article called "What Are Clouds?"  These notes will be DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD, so again, NO HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY-- We will be doing a project in class on clouds.  This will end with a quiz, so NO HOMEWORK.

FRIDAY--We will celebrate the end of the first quarter with our auction, so NO HOMEWORK.

For those of you I was able to conference with, the pleasure was all mine.  After all of my years in teaching, I have learned great kids come great parents.  Thank you for being there--conference week is my third favorite week of the school year.  (Sorry!  Bus Cispus is always #1 and Student Led Conference Week is #2.)

As always, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  The best email address to reach me is humblem@tenino.k12.wa.us and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,

Michele Humble

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Sorry I'm late with this--I was in Tumwater for Science training today, so that put me a bit behind.  Here is what we will be doing this week:

MONDAY--Students worked on Investigation 3.3, so NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--Students worked on a worksheet in class.  This was DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD, so NO HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY--LATE START DAY--Students will watch a video on the phases of matter.  So there is NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY & FRIDAY--Students will work on Investigation 3.4.  Thus, NO HOMEWORK.

Some important reminders:

* The LATE START DAY is this Wednesday, November 7th

* Monday, November 12th is Veterans' Day, so NO SCHOOL

* Tuesday, November 13th through Friday, November 16th are HALF DAYS due to CONFERENCE
WEEK.  Evening conferences are available Tuesday, November 13th until 7:00 p.m.

* 1st Quarter ends Wednesday, November 14th


Hopefully if you wanted a conference, you have either called the Office (360-264-3600) or set one up online.  If you were contacted by us and we requested a conference with you, hopefully you will be able to attend.

As mentioned above, all work is due by this Friday, November 9th.  Also, SCIENCE NOTEBOOKS ARE DUE ON THIS DAY.  Since the Science Notebooks are WORTH 100 POINTS, it is very important that students turn these in on time.  One hundred points can swing a quarter grade quite a bit.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, you will contact me.  The best email address to reach me at is humblem@tenino.k12.wa.us and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

7th Grade Science Plans for November 5-9, 2018


Sorry I'm late with this--I was in Tumwater for Science training today, so that put me a bit behind.  Here is what we will be doing this week:

MONDAY--Students began working on Investigation 3.1, so NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--Students began watching a video on earthquakes; there is a worksheet that goes with it.  The worksheet will be HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY.

WEDNESDAY--LATE START DAY--Students will complete the earthquake video & worksheet.  This is HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY.

THURSDAY--Students will attend the Veterans' Day assembly, so class will not meet.  Thus, NO HOMEWORK.

FRIDAY--Students will complete the Investigation 3.1 lab in class, so NO HOMEWORK.

Some important reminders:

* The LATE START DAY is this Wednesday, November 7th

* Monday, November 12th is Veterans' Day, so NO SCHOOL

* Tuesday, November 13th through Friday, November 16th are HALF DAYS due to CONFERENCE
WEEK.  Evening conferences are available Tuesday, November 13th until 7:00 p.m.

* 1st Quarter ends Wednesday, November 14th


Hopefully if you wanted a conference, you have either called the Office (360-264-3600) or set one up online.  If you were contacted by us and we requested a conference with you, hopefully you will be able to attend.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, you will contact me.  The best email address to reach me at is humblem@tenino.k12.wa.us and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble