Sunday, October 25, 2015

7th Grade Science Plans for October 26th through 30th, 2015


Well, the sixth graders survived Outdoor School last week, so now we will jump into conference week.  It's not too late; if you would still like to schedule a conference, call the Office (360-264-3600) and they will see what they can do for you.  And just a reminder:  although Monday is a "full" day, the rest of the week are early release days; students will get out of school at 11:40 a.m. each day.  Because of this schedule, I will see my 7th grade students Monday, Tuesday & Thursday but NOT Wednesday & Friday.

So here's what we will do this week:

Monday--Students will correct the work they did while I was gone, so NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday--Students will write conclusions based on the "Procedure Assignments" we did dropping balls from different heights, and using different kinds of bouncing balls.  This will be HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY.

Thursday--Watch video based on the Scientific Method; take notes on it.  These notes will be DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.

Wednesday & Friday--CLASS WILL NOT MEET.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  The best email address us  and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Hope you enjoy a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

6th Grade Science Plans for October 26th through 30th, 2015


Well, we survived Outdoor School, and now we will jump into conference week.  It's not too late; if you would still like to schedule a conference, call the Office (360-264-3600) and they will see what they can do for you.  And just a reminder:  although Monday is a "full" day, the rest of the week are early release days; students will get out of school at 11:40 a.m. each day.  Because of this schedule, I will see my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th period students Tuesday & Thursday, and my 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th period students on Wednesday & Friday.  (Poor 7th period students have to put up with me every day this week.)

So here's what we will do this week:

Monday--Students will fill out an evaluation form on Outdoor School.  It will be DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD, so NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday & Thursday--Work on adding notes to your student's Science Notebooks, so NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday & Friday--CLASS WILL NOT MEET.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  The best email address us  and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Hope you enjoy a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

Academy Plans for October 26th 30th, 2015


Well, we survived Outdoor School, and now we will jump into conference week.  It's not too late; if you would still like to schedule a conference, call the Office (360-264-3600) and they will see what they can do for you.  And just a reminder:  although Monday is a "full" day, the rest of the week are early release days; students will get out of school at 11:40 a.m. each day.  Because of this schedule, I will see my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th period students Tuesday & Thursday, and my 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th period students on Wednesday & Friday.  (Poor 7th period students have to put up with me every day this week.)

So here's what we will do this week:

Monday--Email me about their Cispus experiences. Due at the end of the period.

Tuesday & Thursday--Work on computers on slide presentation.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday & Friday--CLASS WILL NOT MEET.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  The best email address us  and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Hope you enjoy a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

Friday, October 23, 2015

Last Day at Cispus


Well, we are just about ready to roll out.  Thank you for all of the wonderful weather wishes--they worked.  We awoke to another beautiful day.  The Talent Night was a big hit, as was the "Neon Night" the high school counselors planned (modern version of flashlight tag).  No injuries!  Can't say the same thing for Recreation--had a foot bone broken in four places.  (Don't worry, if it was your child, you would have received a phone call.)  And yet he returned to Cispus to perform his stand up comedy act for Talent Night.  Talk about a trooper!

We'll be rolling out shortly, stop at the Mossyrock Dam, picnic at the park, then roll into Tenino between 2:00 and 2:45--See you then,\

Michele Humble  (AKA Trekker)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Outdoor School Day #2


Well, we are now more than halfway through our Cispus experience and the weather has been holding--keep up those warm & sunny thoughts.  High school students are doing a fine job with their cabin groups;  I think they benefit as much from this experience as the sixth graders.

Now here's your update:

Field studies have gone really well as have recreations and cabin time; could be partly because of the wonderful weather.  Since it's usually the rain that bogs things down, and the only precipitation we've had was about 11:30 last night, that has helped things go so smoothly.

Food's been great & the kids are eating plenty of it.  The nurse has had minimal visitors--mostly upset tummies and a scrape or two.

We had a super scary campfire last night, along with some amazing skits and cadences--I'm sure we will receive some Academy Award nominations shortly.

Two other schools joined us yesterday, so we welcomed them this morning at breakfast with a song.

Tonight will be "Talent Night", so I'm sure your students will regale you with stories of that, too.

Tomorrow we will pack up, clean up, then tour the Mossyrock Dam and have a sack lunch at a park.
I would estimate we will roll in to the Tenino Middle School parking lot at ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23rd BETWEEN 2:15 p.m. and 2:40 p.m.  If you have not already done so, please MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR SOMEONE TO PICK YOUR STUDENT UP.  Your child will be so tired, fighting the regular school bus with a suitcase, bunch of dirty clothes, sleeping bag, & pillow is almost more than he/she can bear.

See you tomorrow (Friday, October 23rd),
Michele Humble (Trekker)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sixth Graders at Cispus October 21, 2015


Obviously, I haven't updated any grades--I'm doing this to update you on our adventures up here at Cispus.  So here goes:

We got away from TMS about half an hour late yesterday, but I'm happy to say it was an uneventful ride up.  The weather was beautiful when we arrived--warm & sunny.  Students found out who was in their cabin groups, met their high school/cabin counselors, settled in to their cabins, had lunch (tacos), and headed out to their afternoon field study sessions.  After that it was straight out to Recreation, then dinner (lasagna).  Students then joined their high schoolers for "cabin time" (free time), followed by a nice rowdy campfire program complete with one of Smokey's (Mr. Palmer's) scary stories.  Of course on the first night everyone had lots of energy, so getting to sleep after evening snack was a bit of a challenge, but everyone eventually got there.  This morning was much calmer, and everyone is starting to get into the flow of Outdoor School--lots of singing, activity, and cooperation.  And many repetition of the "Tea Pot Song".  (Ask your student about that when they return.)

The nurse has had minimal business:  one sixth grader stepped on a nail (don't worry--it wasn't your child unless you received that phone call from me), but I'm happy to say he's out on more field studies and hasn't missed a beat.  One young man who will have to go home due to a flu bug, but again, if you haven't received a phone call, it's not your student.

All in all, it's been a wonderful experience for everyone involved.  So far the weather is holding; keep us in your fair weather thoughts.  I will try to keep you posted a bit sooner next time.

Michele Humble (AKA Trekker)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

6th Grade Academy & Science October 19th through 23rd, 2015


Well, it's almost here!  Outdoor School time!  Hopefully by now your student's things are all labeled, packed, and ready to go.  All forms should have been turned in last week.  It is very important that ALL MEDICATIONS WITH THEIR CORRESPONDING FORMS BE TURNED IN TO THE OFFICE.  No medications are allowed in the cabins and/or with the students unless it is an inhaler and/or EPI pen.

Obviously, with only one day of "regular"  school this week, I will not be giving any homework.  I will try to keep you informed while we are up at Cispus with emails like this one.  There is NO cell service up there (it doesn't matter who your carrier is), and internet is spotty at best.  (Actually, four days away from technology doesn't sound too bad to me right now.)

Just a reminder that when we return, the following week will be conference week.  That means that Tuesday through Friday will be "early release" days for the students (11:40 p.m. release time) with our evening conferences planned for Tuesday, October 27th.  Please call the Office (360-264-3600) if you would like to schedule a conference.

Think good thoughts for us weather-wise, and please arrange for someone to pick up your student on Friday, October 23rd between 2:00 and 2:45 (they will be so warn out, riding the bus can be a trial).

Enjoy the week,
Michele Humble

Sunday, October 11, 2015

6th Grade Science Plans for Oct. 12th through 16th, 2015


Hope you enjoyed the three day weekend your student had.  The teacher training we received on Friday was very valuable.  Most of it was for the "Chromebooks" your student will be receiving soon.  It's all VERY exciting.

Speaking of exciting, Outdoor School is fast approaching!  We really need the "Emergency Form/Permission Slip".  If you have not yet sent it in with your student, please do so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Also, the last day to submit a scholarship form is Tuesday, October 13th.  Students should hear the following day.  Finally, the fee ($75) should be paid prior to your student attending Outdoor School.  I believe you will receive a bill for that amount if the payment has not been made before we depart for Cispus.

No here's what we're doing in 6th grade Science this week:

MONDAY--Students will go over the "Lab Safety Sheets", so NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--Students will learn how to measure with beakers, graduated cylinders, thermometers, and a triple beam balance scale, so again, NO HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY--Students will work on the "Measurement Lab" in class, so NO HOMEWORK.

FRIDAY--Students will work on the "Wind Up Animals Lab" in class, so NO HOMEWORK.

I am becoming concerned about the number of missing assignments.  This sets a poor precedent for middle school.  Please look this progress report over carefully and if you see that your student is missing ANY work, please discuss this with him/her. 

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  The best email address to reach me at is and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

7th Grade Science Plans for Oct. 12th through 16th, 2015


Sorry I missed last week--it's getting to be crunch time with Outdoor School.  (I know, I know, I don't accept excuses from my students, but when it comes to me, well...............)  I will certainly try to do better.

Here's what we're doing in 7th grade Science this week:

MONDAY--Students will begin our procedure writing work; they will be writing a model in their Science Notebooks, so NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--Students will work in groups to create a procedure for an experiment ("Dropping Balls").  This procedure will be DUE WEDNESDAY.

WEDNESDAY--Students will carry out the procedure they created yesterday, so NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY--Students will write a conclusion using the HY/HI/LO/SO/WIU format.  This is HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY.

FRIDAY--Students will begin writing a second procedure for another experiment.  ("Different Dropped Balls").  This will be DUE TUESDAY.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  The best email address to reach me at is and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

Academy Plans for Oct. 12th through 16th, 2015


Here are the plans for this week's Academy class:

MONDAY--After starting on the Lit Logs, students will be working in groups on a brainstorming activity. There will be NO HOMEWORK. 

TUESDAY--Students will begin to use their Lit Logs in class.  They will also see a demonstration of an entry in class today.  NO HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY--Students will make their first Lit Log entry on the computers.  NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY--Students will be introduced to their Google Docs and email accounts on the computers.  NO HOMEWORK.

FRIDAY--Students will be working on their second Lit Log entry on the computers.  NO HOMEWORK.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.  The best email address to reach me at is and the phone number in the classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Academy Plans for October 5th through 9th, 2015


Hope you enjoyed the wonderful weather this weekend--let's hope we get the same kind when we are up at Cispus.  To all of you who made the Thursday night meeting, thank you.  And to those of you were not able to come, please make sure your student picks up the necessary forms.  The t-shirt orders are DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, so please make sure those get turned in.  The Permission slip/Emergency form should be turned in ASAP.  Please get the payment turned in as soon as possible, too.  Remember, there are scholarships available--just have your student pick a form from me.

Now here are this week's plans:

MONDAY & TUESDAY--Students will be working on a literary genre assignment.  This will be done in the library, but it is DUE WEDNESDAY.  If it is not completed in class, then it IS HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY--Students will be introduced to their "Lit Logs", so NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY--Students will be brainstorming in class, so NO HOMEWORK.


As mentioned above, there is NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH.  (It is a professional day for teachers.)  Hopefully you have already made arrangements for that.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.  My email address is: and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.


Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

6th Grade Science Plans for October 5th through 9th, 2015


Hope you enjoyed the wonderful weather this weekend--let's hope we get the same kind when we are up at Cispus.  To all of you who made the Thursday night meeting, thank you.  And to those of you were not able to come, please make sure your student picks up the necessary forms.  The t-shirt orders are DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, so please make sure those get turned in.  The Permission slip/Emergency form should be turned in ASAP.  Please get the payment turned in as soon as possible, too.  Remember, there are scholarships available--just have your student pick a form from me.

Now here are this week's plans:

MONDAY--Students will be correcting last week's assignment--Chapter 1 Sections 3 & 4 Worksheet, so there will be NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--Students will watch a video on Cispus, and should receive their Student Handbook for Outdoor School, so NO HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY--We will continue to discuss Outdoor School, so NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY--Students will watch a video on "The Scientific Method", so NO HOMEWORK.


As mentioned above, there is NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH.  (It is a professional day for teachers.)  Hopefully you have already made arrangements for that.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.  My email address is: and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.


Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble