Monday, December 21, 2015

No Grades for December 2015


Hope your Winter Break is off to a fine start, despite this "gray" weather.  I'm sorry I didn't send out our weekly plans last week, simply got so swamped I wasn't able to get it done.  (If it is any consolation, there was NO HOMEWORK.)  Perhaps my "New Year's Resolution" should be getting those done EVERY WEEK?  I will try to do better next year.

I realize you don't see anything in your student's progress report other than the one "Extra Credit Point" I give to each student at the beginning of the new term; there is a reason for this.  We have discovered that a tweak needs to be made to the Skyward grading system.  Some of the grades from the first term were inflated, so some adjustments to the Skyward system will be made over the Winter Break.  I was holding off inputting students' grades until this had been done.  Furthermore, I was informed that these scores could be lost when the changes were made, so I am holding off until January 4th to input the grades.  Hopefully, you understand my motivation; I do not want to have to input those grades twice--there simply is no time for it.  So when we return from the Winter Break, all of your student's scores should be there, along with the new grade scale system.

Thank you for your understanding, and enjoy the break,
Michele Humble

Sunday, December 6, 2015

7th Grade Science Plans for December 7th through 11th, 2015

This is the last emailed progress report of the first trimester--I HOPE you will be able to see it.  (You never know with Skyward--it's always an adventure when we go into a new term.)  This should be "what you see is what you got" as far as your student's first-trimester grade is concerned.  The report cards will be printed up and mailed to you sometime next week.  
Now it's on to the second trimester.  And here are the plans for this week:
MONDAY--Students will get back work from the 1st trimester, plus their Science Notebooks.  We will also discuss last week's lab, so NO HOMEWORK.
TUESDAY--Students will go over care & use of microscopes and will watch a video, so again NO HOMEWORK.
WEDNESDAY--LATE START DAY--Students will be holding elections for the position of class treasurer, so NO HOMEWORK.
THURSDAY--Students will do the ""Microscope Images" lab, so NO HOMEWORK.
FRIDAY--Students will work on the "Microscopic Life" lab, so NO HOMEWORK.
Hopefully, you have already made plans for the "Late Start Day" on Wednesday.
Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  The best way to reach me by email is at and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.
Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

6th Grade Science Plans for December 7th through 11th, 2015


This is the last emailed progress report of the first trimester--I HOPE you will be able to see it.  (You never know with Skyward--it's always an adventure when we go into a new term.)  This should be "what you see is what you got" as far as your student's first-trimester grade is concerned.  The report cards will be printed up and mailed to you sometime next week.  Now it's on to the second trimester.  And here are the plans for this week:

MONDAY--Students will get back work from the 1st trimester, plus their Science Notebooks.  We will also discuss last week's labs, so NO HOMEWORK.

TUESDAY--Students will work on separating a dry mixture in a lab, so again NO HOMEWORK.

WEDNESDAY--LATE START DAY--Students will be holding elections for the position of class treasurer, so NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY--Students will do the ""Salt Saturation" lab, so NO HOMEWORK.

FRIDAY--Students will begin the "Citric Acid Saturation" lab, so NO HOMEWORK.

Hopefully, you have already made plans for the "Late Start Day" on Wednesday.

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  The best way to reach me by email is at and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble

Academy Plans for December 4th through 11th, 2015


This is the last emailed progress report of the first trimester--I HOPE you will be able to see it.  (You never know with Skyward--it's always an adventure when we go into a new term.)  This should be "what you see is what you got" as far as your student's first-trimester grade is concerned.  The report cards will be printed up and mailed to you sometime next week.  Now it's on to the second trimester.  And here are the plans for this week:

MONDAY, TUESDAY, & WEDNESDAY--LATE START DAY--Students will be partner reading Chapters 2 & 3 aloud from "The Golden Goblet", so NO HOMEWORK.

THURSDAY--Students will answer the comprehension questions on Chapters 2 & 3 from "The Golden Goblet"; this is HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY.

FRIDAY--Students will begin reading Chapters 4 & 5 silently from "The Golden Goblet", so NO HOMEWORK.

Hopefully, you have already made plans for the "Late Start Day" on Wednesday.

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  The best way to reach me by email is at and the phone number in my classroom is (360) 264-3644.

Have a wonderful week,
Michele Humble